tanning bed中文什么意思

发音:   用"tanning bed"造句
  • tanning:    n. 鞣皮(法),制革(法);(皮肤 ...
  • bed:    n. 1.床,床铺;床位,铺;(动物 ...
  • aldehyde tanning:    醛鞣
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  1. Do i have to take my contact lenses out when i use a tanning bed or booth
  2. Tanning beds are a 2 billion - a - year industry in the united states , according to the skin cancer foundation
  3. People who use tanning beds frequently might get more than just darker skin and a higher risk of cancer . people who use tanning beds frequently might get more than just darker skin and a higher risk of cancer . a new study suggests they can get addicted , too
  4. The other half tanned no more than 12 times a year . researchers gave some of the subjects a drug that blocks the effects of pleasure - inducing endorphins and other opioids that are naturally released by the brain and which have been associated with the uv light of a tanning bed
    研究人员让他们服用一些药物,以阻挡一些“快乐物质”如内啡肽和其他一些类鸦片剂的释放,因为美黑床上的紫外线通常会让美黑者的大脑释放这些“快乐物质” 。


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